Sunday 18 March 2018

Fixing broken HDMI audio (again)

Back in October I noticed that I had no HDMI audio when running kernels starting from v4.12.0 on an Intel Compute Stick model STK1AW32SC (Cherry Trail) and wrote about how to fix this.

Unfortunately that fix no longer works on Ubuntu's latest ISO: Ubuntu 16.04.4. So I've spent time looking into it and created a script to fix HDMI audio though 'sponsored community work'.

The fix is sponsored by and can be downloaded from here.

To use the script to fix a running system first download it and make sure it is executable ('chmod 700') then run the script it as root ('sudo ./'). Finally stop PulseAudio (pulseaudio -k) and restart it (pulseaudio --start) to complete the fix.

Now playing an audio file on the default device with 'aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav' works together with sound in Chrome and other applications.

The advantage of the fix being a script is that you can use it when respinning an ISO with '' (using the '-f' option) and automatically fix HDMI audio in the respun ISO for use on this device.

Please donate if you find my work helpful using the following link


Mece said...

Hello, I have a Minix Neo Z83-4 and I cant apply the patch in bionic iso. In the other iso (Ubuntu 16.04) I cant install it because detects and error during installation, checked the archives with Ubuntu option and detect 2 corrupted files. I create usb bootable in windows with Rufus and in Mint with Unetbooting but the result is the same. Could you help me?

Unknown said...

I've tried running this script, as well as follow your previous instructions from October, to try and get audio working on my laptop. All of this has come to no avail, though. Is it possible I did something wrong in the installation of Ubuntu and need to fix it somehow? Or do these instructions only apply to Ubuntu 16.04.4?

Laptop Model: ASUS Vivobook E200H
Ubuntu Version: 17.10 (Artful Aardvark)
CPU: Intel Atom x5-Z8350 @ 1.44GHz (Cherry Trail)

Linuxium said...

If you are using the Ubuntu 16.06.4 ISO then check the 'md5sum' of your download is 'e9c24a4ba2f0eb2fd86158cdcbe45f91' otherwise download it again. For the Minix Neo Z83-4 if you want audio from the headphones you need to respin your ISO with a later kernel and some different userspace files. Take a look at '' for further details.

Linuxium said...

How to get audio working is dependent on the physical device hardware and the BIOS. Do you know what sound card/audio chip your ASUS Vivobook E200H uses so we can check if the relevant driver and userspace files are loaded?

Unknown said...

$ lspci
No audio devices.

$ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0bda:57ed Realtek Semiconductor Corp.

$ aplay -l
card 0: Audio [Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio], device 1: HdmiLpeAudio [Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio]
card 0: Audio [Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio], device 2: HdmiLpeAudio [Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio]

Other than this, there does not appear to be any way to find the actual audio device used, unless I forgot to try something else. I think it's all integrated into the chip? I'm not actually sure how Cherry/Atom Trail processors work outside of their being an all-in-one chip.

Unknown said...

Odd, there should be a third "aplat -l" device in there.

card 0: Audio [Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio], device 0: HdmiLpeAudio [Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio]
card 0: Audio [Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio], device 1: HdmiLpeAudio [Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio]
card 0: Audio [Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio], device 2: HdmiLpeAudio [Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio]

Unknown said...

I have exactly the same problem with the same device, and I just cant find a way to get sound to work, I just want to get rid of windows 10. But i'm not tech savvy enough to fix all the problems on my own, this device has problem with sound and video when watching youtube and also problem with power. And there seems to be no hope :(((

Linuxium said...

Your 'dmesg' after booting should include references to your sound chip. Can you use 'pastebinit' to post to your full 'dmesg' immediately after booting?

Unknown said...

Line 620: [ 2.942857] [drm] HDaudio controller not detected, using LPE audio instead

That's what I found at first glance, at least.

Linuxium said...

Line 659 is of interest 'intel_sst_acpi 808622A8:00: No matching machine driver found'. Can you boot my ISO from '' using a USB and post the 'dmesg'?

venport said...

Hello everyone,

Is it normal that there is some latency in the STK1A32SC (is slow) using the respun ISO from the first post of March?

It shows the WiFi signal is strong (even though the router is in the adjacent room, behind a closed door), but it is really slow when downloading pages (images, videos snaps).

I'm thinking on using a 6ft HDMI cable extension, so I can place this compute stick away from behind the TV but I don't know if it can drive the cable.

Any advice will be greatly, greatly appreciated.

Linuxium said...

Do you really need Ubuntu as Lubuntu runs faster as it is lightweight so it might be better for you?

venport said...

Is the first one that finally fully works (the audio fix worked like a charm) on my compute stick and I don't really have enough time to try in respinning a Lubuntu.

I've been absent from this scene for a long time and I don't know if there is already a Lubuntu re-spun floating around.

If there isn't, I'll see if I can find the time and follow your documents on spinning ISOs.

Very, very much appreciated for your work and the time you dedicate in helping all us.

As soon as I have a chance I'll show my appreciation.

Thanks again.

Unknown said...

It would appear that the same issue that you pointed out is found here, in Line 700.

venport said...

Good day, me again,

Which version you'll recommend to spin, Version 16.04.4 LTS or current 17.10.1 release, Artful Aardvark?

I'm tempted to use 16.04.4 LTS, just because that's the Ubuntu version installed on my stick, meaning your script worked fine with 16.04.4 LTS.

Mece said...

Thanks, the iso I was downloaded is corrupted. Now its working perfect.

Linuxium said...

Try Lubuntu 16.04.4 first then.

Linuxium said...

I've written a script that will install a kernel I've built based on Canonical's source for Ubuntu-4.15.0-12 and my port of support for Conexant CX2072X based on Takashi Iwai earlier topic/asus-e100h-4.13 work together with the necessary UCM files from Grippentech. I don't have your device so I've no idea if it works.

You need to run the script from an installed Ubuntu on your device rather than a LiveUSB (it is not important which version) because a reboot is required. Download the script from '' and after making sure it is executable simply run it as './'. Then reboot and select 'Advanced' options from the GRUB menu and then select the '4.15.0-12-linuxium' option to run the new kernel.

Can you then test audio and let me know if it works and also 'pastebinit' the 'dmesg'?

Linuxium said...

Can you help test (see the comment above for details)?

Unknown said...

Looks like it picked up the sound card this time.
Lines 691-697 and Line 727.

Linuxium said...

Lines 716 and 717 also show no audio currently.

It will be interesting to see if my test kernel (from above) fixes that.

Unknown said...

I don't think this new kernel helped either. However, it does appear to load without any issue.

Linuxium said...

When you connected headphones or similar did they show up in the 'sound' settings even if there was no audio once selected? Is there any change in the 'aplay -l' and 'aplay -L' outputs?

Unknown said...

For the headphones, nothing occurs when I plug anything in.

As for the 'aplay -l' output, it appears to add the following new cards alongside the usual HDMI/DP LPE devices:

card 1: chtcx2072x [chtcx2072x], device 0: Audio (*) []
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: chtcx2072x [chtcx2072x], device 1: Deep-Buffer Audio (*) []
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

'aplay -L' outputs this list:

venport said...

Hi again,

Tried Lubuntu 16.04.4; not better!
I'll say it's as slow as Ubuntu 16.04.4 LST (my feeling).

Has anybody, or yourself tried a USB Ethernet network adapter that actually works with this stick and your work? It just occured to me.

I thought by just adding the HDMI audio fix script, when respinning the audio would work out of the box; had to perform all the steps you indicated. Is working!

Ben Straton said...

Hey @linuxium love the project. I am getting this error on version of isorespin from 7.x to 8.1.3 local package rtl8723bs_4.12.0_amd64.deb failed to install correctly

any suggestions?

Ben Straton said...

and this one depending on the version: /bin/bash: line 12: gdebi: command not found

Ive tried every fix you have offered in the comments. none worked.

Im running Ubuntu 17.04 x64

Linuxium said...

What ISO are you trying to respin?

Ben Straton said...

KDE Plasma Mobile test ISO.

I was able to get an older version of isorespin to work, but it didnt have many of the atom fixes.

Ben Straton said...

Just tested on ubuntu-gnome 17.04 ISO (on two different machines), same error

Linuxium said...

You are getting the error because 17.04 ISOs are EOL so adding the required package 'gdebi' to install the Atom wifi and bluetooth packages fails. I'll put a test in to prevent attempts to respin EOL ISOs.

Linuxium said...

I've uploaded a new version using the same URL. Therefore there is no change to the installation instructions so: download the (updated) script from '' and after making sure it is executable simply run it as './'. This will replace the kernel from yesterday with a new one that excludes a driver that may get audio working. Can you test using speakers and headphones and using direct commands:
e.g. for speakers
aplay -D plughw:0,0 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav
aplay -D plughw:0,1 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav
aplay -D plughw:0,2 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav
e.g.for headphones
aplay -D plughw:1,0 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav
aplay -D plughw:1,1 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav

Linuxium said...

Because you have a posted questions across a number of posts I suggested we reset and confirm what your requirements are so I can suggest the best solution.

I know you have a STK1A32SC but will Ubuntu be the only OS installed on the device? I also know you have an SD card but is that just for storing data on?

If you can explain what would be the best setup for you we can start from there.

Unknown said...

None of the three commands gave me sound. They just give the usual 'underrun!!!' alerts.

The two commands output the following:
And I'm going to guess this is just information about the audio file itself.

Ben Straton said...

Interesting. Plasma Mobile is 16.04 based. Any idea why it would have the same error?

Linuxium said...

So the conclusion is there doesn't appear to be a maintainer for the CX2971X driver submitted to the mainline kernel and as a result it won't be accepted into the mainline kernel.

The maintainer of the mainline kernel sound subsystem had asked the original submitter for some further changes but these have not eventuated.

As a result any attempt to get sound working will not be officially supported meaning that it will be up to individuals to maintain custom kernels with security updates as a minimum.

Given I don't have this hardware for testing I've done as much as I can at this point.

Linuxium said...

I'll take a look into it.

Unknown said...

Understood. Thanks for all your help, though! I have a better understanding now than I did before, at the very least.

Linuxium said...

One last test. Can you run the command:

if (! grep -q snd_hdmi_lpe_audio /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf); then echo "blacklist snd_hdmi_lpe_audio" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf > /dev/null; fi

and then reboot and select my kernel. This will 'blacklist' the HDMI audio driver just in case this impacts the other drivers.

After testing simply enter:

sudo sed -i '$d' /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

to restore the HDMI audio driver.

Unknown said...

Unfortunately, that didn't work either.

Running didn't work either. Probably doesn't help that they ended development a while back, though the Issues section does suggest that the necessary patches are still available for newer versions of Linux.

Ben Straton said...

Awesome, thank you. Your time and effort are appreciated.

venport said...

Hi Ian,

Thank you very much for your time and patience.

I will only be running Ubuntu from the SD card. I want to keep the stick's memory as much free as possible.

Unknown said...

I tried this on my 2in1 tablet pc(z8300 processor) but i have got this error message:
sudo: command not found

what should i do?
distro: xubuntu 17.01
kernel version: 4.13.0-37-generic

Linuxium said...

That is a shame. If I see a solution anywhere else I'll about it post here.

Linuxium said...

From memory you can't run Ubuntu from the SD card as in running the kernel as the SD card isn't recognised by the bootloader. This means as a minimum you need to have the kernel (and initram) stored on the stick's eMMC and then run the filesystem from the SD card. However this presents problems when updating the kernel as updates have to be manually copied to where the kernel is stored on eMMC and as it is not automated then risks include running an outdated (from a security viewpoint) kernel. The alternative is to run Ubuntu from the eMMC but have mount points to on the SD card for various core directories. This keeps your footprint small for the installed Ubuntu on the eMMC and effectively allows you to run on the SD card. If you adopt this latter approach the installation is configurable through the 'Installation Type' screen (select 'Something else'). Try experimenting and see how you get on.

Linuxium said...

There was a type above. The command should be 'sudo ./' obviously without the quotes around it.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your answer, it did not give error this time but did not work either. I have bought a device which has a sound card(usb to jack), i can use with my headphones. I also tried your isorespin script with lots of distro and kernel combination, most of them did not even be able to open 'try xubuntu without install' option. Some open that option but did not see my eMMC so i could not install xubuntu on my 2in1 laptop.

Looks i am hopeless. I have to buy a better laptop. Thank you so much for your help, effort.

venport said...

Thanks for your reply.

I manage to put my hands at work on a USB3.0/Ethernet adapter (fosmon: HD8009 (chipset AX88179)), connected it and speed improved a lot, what leads me to think my suspicions where right. The way I have place the wifi hardware at home is affecting the connection.

I'll start reading again on how to setup mount points (I'll see if I can find my BSD notes, from when I use to set it up).

Thanks again.

Linuxium said...

Use 'pastebinit' to post links to your 'isorespin.log' and 'dmesg' after booting so I can see if anything is missing.

Linuxium said...

Fixed! Also I've posted about Plasma Mobile here ''.

Unknown said...


I was install respined ubuntu 16.04 ISO on subject tablet. Most useful
things are work. But have a problem with sound. Sound card detected by
kernel as intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio. But no sound trough it. Not from
speakers not from headphones. I try solution from
but still no luck. Please help me make that shit sounds.:)

Unknown said...

Oh, sorry for the ' subject tablet'. It was copy from email. Subject tablet is Lenovo Yoga 2 1051L (CPU Atom Z3745)

Christian Sandera said...

great to see another person with the lenovo yoga tab 2. i didn't get solved yet problems with sound, gps-sensor and the right klick on the touch-screen. so i gave up and hope it will be fixed in the future .... many luck!

Linuxium said...

I am looking at audio issues again so keep an eye out soon for another post on 'fixing broken audio'.

Unknown said...

Ready to provide any additional information, including access via ssh.

Linuxium said...

Can you post a link (using 'pastebinit') of a 'dmes' immediately after booting?

Christian Sandera said...

hi, there is my pastebin. i've installed a new ubuntu-mate-18.04 with kernel 4.17

thank you

Unknown said...

Here is my dmesg out

VERSION="16.04.4 LTS (Xenial Xerus)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS"

Linux GSLP 4.13.0-39-generic #44~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 5 16:43:10 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


Linuxium said...

Your device uses the WM5102 audio codec. Try this otherwise you may need to compile a kernel with the 'ASoC: Intel: add bytcr-wm5102 machine driver' patch first.

Unknown said...

The ""
not work.
About "compile a kernel with the 'ASoC: Intel: add bytcr-wm5102 machine driver' patch first." - is there any suitable instruction, because im not familiar with 'patching & compiling'.

Linuxium said...

I had a look at the patch and it needs rework before applying to the current mainline kernel. As I don't have the device I suggest contacting the patch author to see if they have a final working solution.

Christophe14 said...


I can confirm that this fix is required with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on STK1AW32SC.
Audio over HDMI is now working !

But I haven't understood how to respin the ISO directly with the script.
Could you please clarify ?

Many thanks

Unknown said...

Hi all. With sound in Linux is one problem. Not loading regulators module
No supply for codec, so there is no sound

Linuxium said...

Comment notification failed recently so I have a backlog of comments to read and reply to hence the delay with this response.

Simply respin using the command similar to: -i ubuntu-18.04-desktop-amd64.iso -f -c

together with any additional specific '' options you wish to include.

Linuxium said...

@Kitsune: Thanks for the info.

Christophe14 said...

Thanks for the answer !

Ella Lener said...

this is not working for me.

Zsolex said...

HDMI sound is working on Linux 16 now, but I could not get any sound from jack output. If I run aplay ..hw:1,0 and hw:1,1 it looks like it can play it but no sound is comming out from headphone.
Temporaly I have reconfigured 0,2 -> 1,0 and under pavucontrol I see the 5640 byctr sound and has signal on VU meter but no sound comming out. I have Intel stick PC.

Zsolex said...

intel stick in CSL variant

Zsolex said...

I tried to fix according to:
but under Audio device I do not see byct-5640
but under Settings ->Output modules -> Alsa -> I see it but it does not make any sound

aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Audio [Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio], device 0: HdmiLpeAudio [Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: Audio [Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio], device 1: HdmiLpeAudio [Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: Audio [Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio], device 2: HdmiLpeAudio [Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio]
Subdevices: 0/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: bytcrrt5640 [bytcr-rt5640], device 0: Baytrail Audio (*) []
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: bytcrrt5640 [bytcr-rt5640], device 1: Deep-Buffer Audio (*) []
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

Linuxium said...

Make sure you are using the latest kernel as the default Ubuntu 16.04 kernel is maybe missing the latest driver developments.

Zsolex said...

I have done kernel update, now it is 4.15.0-43. Nothing has changed.
Any idea?

Linuxium said...

Do you have the UCM files installed (is there a directory '/usr/share/alsa/ucm/bytcr-rt5640' for example)?

Unknown said...

Dear Linuxium. First of all, thank you very much for your work. Please tell me if it is possible to set up this sound card in Pass through mode like this tutorial
With your script the sound works perfectly in pcm mode on the receiver. But when I try to make these settings:

pacmd list-cards
0 card(s) available

pactl set-sink-formats 1 "pcm; ac3-iec61937; dts-iec61937; eac3-iec61937"
Does not make any changes, in formats outputs only pcm...
I will be grateful for any hint

Linuxium said...

I've not used Passthrough Mode as my device does not support it.

Unknown said... Integrated Audio Provided by the HDMI Interfaces
The following audio technologies are supported by the HDMI 1.4b interfaces directly from the
- AC3 - Dolby* Digital
- Dolby Digital Plus
- LPCM, 192 kHz/16-bit or 176.4 KHz/24-bit, 8 Channel

Zsolex said...


I have installed Ubuntu 18 and I still do not have any sound via headphone.

zsolt@zsolt-PC-on-a-Stick-4K:~$ aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Audio [Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio], device 0: HdmiLpeAudio [Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: Audio [Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio], device 1: HdmiLpeAudio [Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: Audio [Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio], device 2: HdmiLpeAudio [Intel HDMI/DP LPE Audio]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: bytcrrt5640 [bytcr-rt5640], device 0: Baytrail Audio (*) []
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 1: bytcrrt5640 [bytcr-rt5640], device 1: Deep-Buffer Audio (*) []
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
zsolt@zsolt-PC-on-a-Stick-4K:~$ ls /usr/share/alsa/ucm/bytcr-rt5640
bytcr-rt5640.conf HiFi README
zsolt@zsolt-PC-on-a-Stick-4K:~$ aplay -D plughw:1,0 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav
Playing WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Mono
zsolt@zsolt-PC-on-a-Stick-4K:~$ aplay -D plughw:1,1 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav
Playing WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 48000 Hz, Mono

Linuxium said...

Do you have the UCM files installed (is there a directory '/usr/share/alsa/ucm/bytcr-rt5640' for example)?

Zsolex said...

I have nothing done with UCM files.
Yes they are there:
solt@zsolt-PC-on-a-Stick-4K:~$ cd /usr/share/alsa/ucm/
zsolt@zsolt-PC-on-a-Stick-4K:/usr/share/alsa/ucm$ ls
apq8064-tabla-snd-card chtrt5645 skylake-rt286
broadwell-rt286 DAISY-I2S sof-bxtda7219max
bytcht-da7213 DB410c sof-bytcht-da7213
bytcht-es8316 Dell-WD15-Dock sof-bytcr-rt5640
bytcht-nocodec GoogleNyan sof-bytcr-rt5651
bytcht-pcm512x HDAudio-Lenovo-DualCodecs sof-cht-bsw-rt5672
bytcr-rt5640 Manta-I2S sof-chtmax98090
bytcr-rt5651 Manta-SPDIF sof-chtrt5645
byt-max98090 msm8974-taiko-mtp-snd-card tegraalc5632
byt-rt5640 PandaBoard tegra-rt5640
cht-bsw-rt5672 PandaBoardES Tuna
chtmax98090 PAZ00 VEYRON-I2S
chtnau8824 SDP4430

Should I do something with them?

I have created a blacklist for lpe hdmi audio
zsolt@zsolt-PC-on-a-Stick-4K:/etc/modprobe.d$ sudo vi blacklist_snd_hdmi_lpe_audio.conf
but it does not help for jack audio.

zsolt@zsolt-PC-on-a-Stick-4K:~$ cat /proc/asound/cards
0 [bytcrrt5640 ]: bytcr-rt5640 - bytcr-rt5640

Linuxium said...

Try respinning the Ubuntu 18.04.2 ISO with the '-u' and booting as a liveUSB then applying the fix in the post above and see if this helps.

Brian said...

use xubuntu 18.04 live usb run the script and magically sound got work.

Brian said...

hardware STK1AW32SC

ivan francisco said...

Hi me i have a mecer pc stick i had a problem loading windows 8.1 so i downloaded and put it again. And now i have no wifi and no sound can someone held me i search and download many application but problem still here.

Linuxium said...

Do you mean you have no wifi or sound on Windows or Ubuntu? Which OS are you trying to install?

Leonardo Alfaro said...

THAKS A LOT!!! I was finding a solution for this problem for hours, you're a hero!!!!!!!!!!!!

nox said...

Hi all, the link (by "Unknown" from 21 June 2018)

has something new, at least I think so. I'm not familiar with github. When I go to "issues" - here's the link:

I understand that there is a patch now to get this sound hardware working.

But I don't know what to do with it, how I can install that patch.

That Yoga 2 1051 F was given to me, I first tried to install Linux on it mid December 2020, Fedora worked out of the box (with no sound), I asked around in forums and was suggested to try linuxium, I just installed the ready-to-go respun Lubuntu 21.04 but I still have no sound unfortunately.

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