The Intel NUC Compute Element enables an industry standard for modular compute through a device that incorporates an Intel CPU, memory, connectivity and other components and is capable of powering solutions like laptops, kiosks, smart TVs, appliances and more [1]. At first glance it almost seems the same as the aforementioned Compute Card except that instead of being a fully-enclosed, gadgety card, the NUC Compute Element looks and acts a lot more like a computer part, right down to its exposed connector. Intel claims the changes reduce its footprint inside other devices and also increases the I/O options on tap [4]. Significantly whilst the Compute Card's sealed design and extra durability added nominally to the card cost it added about $50 to each unit on the OEM side to incorporate the module which stunted its adoption [5]. Intel goes on to further emphasise that the NUC Compute Element delivers incredible performance and amazing connectivity at a low cost while making it easy to integrate, upgrade and service computing in next-generation devices [1].
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Of particular note is the 'Austin Beach' Compute
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This would be Intel's first passively cooled NUC.
[1] COMPUTEX 2019: Top Five Intel Platform Innovations Driving the Next Wave of Computing-The Next Stage in Modular Computing
[2] Intel to Stop Developing Compute Cards
[3] 英特尔更新卡片电脑和NUC迷你电脑
[4] Intel is trying once again to make modular computers happen
[5] A New Approach to Modular PC Parts: Hands On With Intel's NUC Compute Element
[6] Intel藉由NUC Compute Element模組化設計,擴展更多元運算需求